The future of cyber security for small business

The future of cyber security for small business

Technology and business go hand in hand. More and more systems are being integrated into businesses’ IT environments that streamline processes, boost workplace productivity, and improve the customer experience. While can help bring many benefits, it may also conjure new vulnerabilities and additional points of potential access for cyber criminals. 

The sophistication of cyber threats continues to grow, and as business technology tools evolve, so too will the possible risks and areas of concern. One of the answers to help combat this lies in preparation. By anticipating the cyber threats of tomorrow and understanding how to defend against them, you can better protect your business from future attacks. 

Let’s examine the future of the cyber security landscape, so you can better understand how to help reinforce your defences moving forward. 

Evolving cyber security threats to small business 

Increasing demand for fast-flowing data heightens risks 

Quick and convenient data access is a high priority for businesses, especially with the rise of hybrid work. The use of the cloud makes it faster, cheaper and easier to operate online while collecting large amounts of data, but it’s also more likely that this data could be exposed. This poses a risk, especially with the collection and sharing of customer data is at an all-time high. 

Remote connections allow for more access points 

Remote and hybrid work is here to stay, making this an ongoing target for attackers. With employees, shareholders, and suppliers connecting to business systems from their own, potentially unsecured devices, cyber criminals may attempt to enter the network from any number of access points. 

The rise of Cyber-Crime-as-a-Service (CaaS) 

The world of cyber crime is no longer a single hacker in a dark room writing code. It has transformed into a lucrative economy where the accumulated knowledge of a vast network of experienced cyber criminals can be leveraged by a single person via an online marketplace. This means that even inexperienced hackers can attempt to pull off complex attacks far above their usual capabilities. Government agencies have taken down a number of these marketplaces, but new ones continue to take their place. 

Cyber attack tools continue to advance  

Over the course of the pandemic, cyber criminals were able to evolve, develop and improve their skills and software. As a result, more advanced ways to breach businesses have emerged. Organisations are now dealing with dedicated machines with built-in cybercrime capabilities that can perform thousands of attacks per day. 

Over the next few years, the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning is expected to continually shorten attack life cycles, transforming a week-long process into something that can be done in hours. Plus, with polymeric machines and codes that can change their identifiable features, detection is more difficult. 

Staff shortages in cyber security   

There is a large talent gap in cyber security where the demand for experts in this field far exceeds the supply. In fact, according to labour market data company, Emsi, for every 100 openings for a cyber security position, there were less than 50 qualified applicants. There are currently up to 3.5 million open positions across the globe. 

The future of small business cyber security solutions  

Automation and machine learning 

While cyber-attack tools are advancing quickly, so are defensive capabilities. At a certain point, human-dependent security tools probably are likely to not be enough to keep up and automation could become the standard. Because of this, the future of AI in cyber security will likely be important in protecting businesses against the CaaS industry. Threat hunting bots will likely be vital in the detection and prevention of risks as can they take down bad bots and alter their code to adapt to the threats they encounter. 

What this means is that while things are becoming more complex, the nature of cyber-attacks and defence probably won’t change significantly. Each side has access to essentially the same tools and can operate on a level playing field, as long as businesses are proactively managing their cyber security. 

The importance of training, response planning and incident preparedness  

Due to of the increasing complexity of the cyber security landscape, the implementation of robust cyber security systems and measures can be important. Businesses should look to consider building a strong foundation of good habits. 

Thorough employee training is the first step toward prevention. Human error is one of the main ways attackers can gain access to your systems, so if your people know the warning signs, they could potentially help stop an attack before it happens. Otherwise, a detailed response plan can help provide clear instructions on steps to take in the event of a breach and can help to minimise the impact. 

A shift towards zero-trust architecture (ZTA)

With the increase of remote and hybrid workforces, defences will possibly shift from being focused on physical networks and perimeters and more toward access management and user behaviour analytics. This might include implementing a zero-trust architecture where access to sensitive data is proactively managed. Plus, the use of behavioural analytics could be employed to create a baseline of user behaviour and help easily identify anomalies in activity.

Get on top of your security today and be better protected tomorrow 

Now that you better understand the importance of cyber security in the future, you can take the necessary steps to help better secure your assets. TBTC Melbourne City has a range of cyber security solutions for small businesses that can help with better detection and management of cyber threats. 

Talk to us today about endpoint protection for your devices and networks, as well as helping you set up an incident response plan. Plus, with a cyber security audit, we can get a snapshot of your security systems. Let’s get securing.

Ready to learn more? Let’s talk.

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